Hero photograph
Photo by Samantha Kirk

Meet Mrs Kidd!

Samantha Kirk —

Mrs Kidd is filling in as the science teacher for the rest of this year while Mrs Rousse is away on maternity leave.

Mrs Kidd used to mind Harold the Giraffe. We asked Mrs Kidd a few questions to get to know her better!

1. Do you like teaching science? 

I love teaching science. 

2. What's your favourite 'Harold' joke? 

'Why do duck's have feathers? To cover their crack!'

3. What's it like at Casebrook? 

This is the best school because of all the teachers.

4. What's your favourite part of science? 

The experiments.

5. Have you ever been a teacher in a classroom before?

Yes, Broadfield School. 

6. Do you have a favourite class? 

Room 12! (Because we were asking the questions).

Thanks Mrs Kidd!