Sharon Keen — Dec 7, 2020

The last two weeks of our term are packed with a wide range of events, some serious and others fun. Earlier this week we were treated to an outdoor concert followed by a House Tug of War. We then move into our final assemblies on Thursday, next week our Big Days Out and the Year 8 formal. We look forward to seeing you at these events. The formal, next Thursday is the final Casebrook event for Year 8 students but Year 7's attend on Friday 18, with school closing for the year at 12 noon.

It has been a year that has required a great deal of adaption and working from day to day.  Forward planning has been difficult and resulted in many events happening in a changed format or being moved into Term 4.  I congratulate all of our students for still striving to be true examples of a Casebrook REP and thank our staff and community for the unwavering trust and support we have experienced. 

The Big Days Out are paid for by the school out of the school donation grant and so we hope all students go with their year group for the day.  They do not have to swim and all that is required from home is a returned permission slip.

The Year 8 formal is an important night as it marks the end of our young people's time with us.  We only ask they are tidy and come along, it is a nice way to say farewell.

Thank you very much to all who took the time to submit comments around the proposed Ministry of Education zone for Casebrook.  There has been a great deal of support for the shared areas and families North of the proposed area have expressed concern about the lack of access to an Intermediate School.  The information is now with the Ministry and they will provide us with their decision around May next year. We have asked that there be a clause allowing siblings of current and former students to attend but as yet have had no response. The process has no bearing on the 2021 intake of students.

For those of you moving on to High School, thank you for your support and we wish you and your family all the best.  For those returning, we look forward to working with you again.  We will ensure there continues to be a wide range of opportunities for our young people to engage in and ask that at home you continue to encourage this.

Have a safe and happy holiday break.

Nāku iti noa

Sharon Keen
