Hero photograph
Photo by Christine Gillard

What’s been happening in Food Technology Online?

Lauren Dick-McCann —

We have celebrated baking as a great way to share special moments with our families during the lockdown.

In the Foods room at Casebrook our students learn by watching demonstrations and then practice their skills with their partner for support. Learning online the students worked through slide shows that built up their skills so they could create in their own kitchens.

In Weeks 1 & 2 our Year 7 students have learnt about biscuit making, focusing first on the traditional ANZAC biscuit and used their skills to make a biscuit of their choice.

If you would like a try, here are some of our recipes:

Anzacs Biscuits     

The Famous Casebrook Chocolate Chip Biscuit

Our Year 8 students focused on making family meals. They learnt step by step how to make dumplings, including the wrappers and then planned with their families to make a delicious healthy meal. The range of skills they have shown was really exciting, not to mention delicious! There were some very lucky Casebrook families in the last few weeks!

In Weeks 3 & 4 our students practiced their baking skills, trialling their own unique Casebrook Magic Muffin recipe, making a sweet and a savoury muffin. They focused on the role of protein in their savoury muffin, and how to reduce sugar in our cooking by reducing and replacing white sugar with natural sugars in their sweet muffin.