Hero photograph
Photo by Christine Gillard

Tēnā Koutou Kātoa - Welcome to Term Four

Sharon Keen —

Term Three ended with the amazing three nights of our school production. A huge congratulations to our students, staff and a big thank you to our community for your support.

Term Four is always a busy time.  We have Summer Hagley Sports and many celebrations.  Please ensure you regularly check the term calendar. 

If your young person is in Year Eight and you would like them supported with with their transition to Secondary School please contact Mr Mark Russell.  We have a range of programmes available.  Also if you have yet to enrol your child in a Secondary School I encourage you to do so.  We are happy to assist you with this.

Completion of Casebrook Challenge tasks is very important.  We will celebrate those who achieve Gold at the end of the term. This programme is voluntary but very important as it helps develop good work habits.

Athletics Sports day is the first main event on this terms calendar, October 30 with a cancellation date of November 6.  You will be informed by the school app if there is a change.

As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.

Nāku iti noa

Sharon Keen
