Hero photograph
Photo by Shona Mckenzie

Cans For Good Collection!

Sienna Yearbury —

Over the past week Casebrook Intermediate has participated in the Cans For Good campaign run by The Salvation Army in partnership with Watties.

The aim is for schools to collect as many cans as they can from the 5th of August until the 16th of August. Once all of the cans are collected your school then must create a design using the cans, with the winning design receiving a $500 voucher for sports gear or art supplies. All of the cans are donated to the Salvation Army who will give them to people in need. 

The class who brought the most cans was Room 1 with a total of 121 cans. Thank you to everyone who contributed, we managed to collect over 500 cans to donate. 

By Sienna Yearbury