Kristen Sherwin — Mar 20, 2023

In Term 1 Casebrook held a Tug of War House Competition to see which house could collect the most points.

On Wednesday the 15th of March Casebrook Intermediate held a house Tug of War competition on the front field after lunch. Students were able to get involved by showing lots of team spirit and dressing up in their house colours. 

This year's winner was Northfield, followed by Cavendish then tied for lucky last was Sawyers and Veitches. 

The teachers took another well deserved win against the student leaders! 

When asked, Ashley from Veitches house had this to say, "I liked tug of war because I could hangout with people I don't normally hangout with and I could play against my friends".

Luka from Northfield said, "The tug of war was a really fun thing to do because everyone was involved and all of us were cheering our house on".

Well done Casebrook for the amazing effort!