Sharon Keen — Jun 12, 2019

Last week Casebrook students took part in our annual Cross Country. The conditions were cold but dry. Well done to all who ran and a thank you to Eden Foster for organising the event.

Yesterday we had a team take part in the Canterbury Artistic Gymnastics competition.  Congratulations to all who took part.  

Hagley sports is well under way with more students competing in a range of codes than ever before.

Friday night Basketball also has more teams than ever before.  Our Boys A and Girls A teams are preparing for the AIMS Games.  This is a national competition in Tauranga later this year.  The  competition at this event is strong and so certainly provides the teams with motivation to train hard. 

Water Polo has two teams who compete on Monday and Friday nights, they too are preparing for the South Island competition in Dunedin later this year.

We can offer this wide range of sporting codes due to the commitment and dedication of our staff and students.  This combined with parental support makes these opportunities possible.  Thank you to all who commit.   

The term is passing quickly and  Casebrook continues to be a very busy place with a wide range of activities on offer.  We value student engagement as we believe it helps our young people develop their potential.  Your support is appreciated.

As always, if at any time you have questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact us.

Nāku iti noa

Sharon Keen
