Mark Russell — Sep 29, 2021

This year's theme is take time to kōrero/mā te kōrero, ka ora - a little chat can go a long way.

This MHAW (Mental Health Awareness Week) is all about connecting with the people in our lives and creating space for conversations about mental health and wellbeing. Whether it’s checking in with a mate, having a kōrero over some food or saying hello to a stranger, a little chat can go a long way.

We’ve chosen this theme because the little, everyday conversations we have are surprisingly important – and they make a big difference to our mental health – so we want you to take notice of the kōrero that makes you feel good and do it more often. Over time, these small chats create meaningful connections, help us understand each other better and ensure we have people we can count on when times are tough.

Click the two links below for more information and some great activities.