Hero photograph
Photo by Jeff Case

Room 4 Isolation Learning

Jeff Case —

Room 4 has adjusted really well to the sudden learning change, getting used to devices, Google Hangouts, websites used, passwords and usernames, and social isolation. They have shown resilience, worked hard and made significant improvements in self-management. Lately, some have even made diaries and planners to timetable their days!

Our Google Hangouts have been well attended and students have done their best each week to complete tasks that they need to. The constant email communication from students sending me their work, asking questions, replying to feedback, and fixing work has been great!

Despite the limitations of the current situation, it has been great to see the improvements and strides made in learning areas, in particular;

Follow up text questions

More depth and reasoning behind ideas, giving backing to their opinions on texts ranging in topics from animals to water usage to friendships and just last week, ANZACs.

Research tasks

Going beyond the basic information to provide layers of information and details about people and what actions they took to change the world. We have learned about Steve Jobs, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King and Cyril Bassett.


Adding different writing sentence types for variety. The change for some students has been remarkable, simply by changing the way their ideas are presented to the reader. We have had some great stories about going to war, their favourite holidays, and a horror Halloween.

Some of our best work from Room 4!

Aaliyah's research

Rubee's story summary

Malhi's daily writing

Lucas' daily writing

Riley's weekly writing challenge

Malhi's daily writing

Gracie's follow up tasks

Charlie's follow up tasks

Finally, a huge thank you to the parents and whanau of Room 4 students. It’s been great to be able to chat with each of you weekly, and the assistance and care you are giving your children are invaluable in their learning. Feeling safe and comfortable at home is just as important as knowing different math algorithms!

Mr. Case