Hero photograph
Photo by Christine Gillard

Welcome to Term Three

Sharon Keen —

This term is busy but filled with a great range of activities for our students. Please keep the calendar updated and close at hand.

We welcome back Miss Lydia Muschamp who will be working with Room11 and be leading our singers.

Thank you to all who have attended the Student Led Conferences. Students take great pride in preparing what they will share with you and the act of sharing assists in clarifying their understanding of the material as well as being a confidence booster. If you have been unable to attend this week please do not hesitate to contact the classroom teacher to organise an alternative time.

Next week, on Wednesday we have our Open Night. This is Casebrook's opportunity to showcase the range of activities and learning experiences we offer our students. Many of our students are involved in performances or are working in classrooms. We appreciate your support in this plus ask that you encourage neighbours and friends who have a child in Year 6 to attend.

Enjoy the term and at any stage if you have questions or concerns please contact me.

Ngā Mihi

Sharon Keen
