Hero photograph
Photo by Bev Bell

Year 8 A Netball Report

Bev Bell —

On Tuesday August 9 the Netball A team played Christchurch South and won 19 - 8

Our team played exceptionally well and came away with a comfortable win.  The player(s) of the day were Ruby­Mae and Tyra. These girls played an outstanding game, with Ruby­Mae getting a lot of intercepts and Tyra keeping her shots up. 

The girls have developed some amazing skills in the past few weeks and have all started working together as a team - ten times better! They are getting the ball down the court a lot quicker and can get the ball back from the other team which is helping the team a lot. 

The girls are excited for next week as they have finals coming up! They have managed to stay at the top of the table for their grade and are looking forward to the challenge. 

Thank you to all the supporters who came out and a special thank you to Tui Cameron for her expert coaching.