Nick Leith — Feb 6, 2019

In 2019 we are trying to make learning more accessible for our students and their whānau. To do this we have tried to streamline how everything works in our timetable, as well as across the year. All this will have a minimal impact on a parent's life but here is our best effort to explain some of the changes that you might hear about from your (highly communicative) child.

Academic Terms:

We are going to be basing our teaching and learning around three themes this year - 

Academic Term 1: Relationships

Academic Term 2: Function

Academic Term 3: Change. 

These will run across 3 'Academic Terms' (approx 13 weeks long).  Essentially, spreading the three academic terms over the four school terms. We will be celebrating the learning at the conclusion of these academic terms with Casebrook Challenge assembly and then an open classroom for students to share what they have learned about with their parents and whānau. The dates for these will be on the Casebrook community calendar.

Casebrook Challenge:

This will run in line with the Academic Terms so students will have more they are expected to do in Casebrook Challenge each academic term,  but also a longer period of time to do it (13 weeks approx.) We will run 3 celebrations over the year to award badges and share learning in classrooms.

Timetable Changes:

Whilst maintaining the same start and finish times, we have adjusted our timetable slightly to cater for all the leaning and enrichment programmes that take place in our school each week. 

8.35am : Time to get to class

8.40am : Homeroom and admin time

8.50am : Tech and Specialist classes (STEAM programme - Year 8)

9.50am : Year 7 maths

10.50am - 11.10am: INTERVAL

11.10am : Year 8 maths, Tech and Specialist classes (STEAM programme - Year 7)

1.10pm  - 1.50pm : LUNCH (on Tues 12.30 - 1.30pm to enable Sport)

1.50pm - 2.50pm : Afternoon learning (includes Inquiry and extension/enrichment programmes)

Technology and Specialist Programmes:

Each student will experience specialist teaching in the following areas in 2019:

Tech Programme: Hard Materials, Food and Garden, Digital Technologies

Specialist Programme: Art, Science, Health & Te Reo

To conclude, we expect these changes will enable all the amazing opportunities that take place in our school each year the time and space to maximise learning. If you have any further questions don't hesitate to contact your child's classroom teacher, once the dust settles and new routines are established. 

Nick Leith

Deputy Principal