Hero photograph
Photo by Christine Gillard

Catchment Detox

Christine Gillard —

This term, on Tuesday afternoons from 2.00 till 2:50pm, a group of students led by Mrs Rutter, have been playing Catchment Detox.

This is an online game that lets you build and manage your own catchment. You must try to balance out your environment, economy, population and food production to achieve as high a score as you can. You have to decide whether to plant crops, log forests, build factories or set up national parks. The aim is to avoid environmental problems and provide food and wealth for the population. The scores have been getting up to nearly 700,000, but there are plenty of ways of getting higher! We are hoping to challenge other Intermediate schools to an inter-intermediate school challenge :-)

If you want to try it yourself, just head to http://www.catchmentdetox.net.au/play-game/. Guaranteed fun!

by Katherine Rutter.