Will Stribling — Jul 25, 2018

This week has seen Student-Led Conferences take place. The purpose of these meetings are for the students to have the chance to explain their progress, reflect on accomplishments, and set goals. If you were unable to attend a conference please do not hesitate to contact your child’s classroom teacher to arrange an alternative time.

Next week sees Casebook’s Open Night. This gives Casebrook Intermediate an opportunity to showcase all the things that make Casebook “The School of Opportunity”.  We believe the best way to do this is through the students. Therefore this will see a large number of students involved on the night. I would like to thank you in advance for your support with this.

A reminder that on Thursday 9th August, Casebrook will be holding a parent evening hosted by John Parsons a leading expert in cyber safety. This evening will raise awareness to the dangers associated with the inappropriate use of Digital Communication Technology (DCT’s) and solutions to reduce risk are discussed. We strongly recommend you attend this evening.

Next Monday we welcome Miss Kerry Aitken to our Casebrook staff to take up her role as the Room 14 teacher.  Kerry will take over the role vacated by John McBride who has moved with his wife to work in Panama.

This term will culminate in one of the highlights of the Casebrook Intermediate calendar, the School Production. But before we reach that point there are many other events taking place  Cultural Festival, Inter-Intermediate Sporting events and Cantamath Competitions to name a few.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please contact me or the classroom teacher .

Will Stribling

Assistant Principal