Kristen Sherwin — Mar 19, 2021

Year 7 and 8 students from Casebrook Intermediate went to the Science Roadshow on Thursday March 11th.

After morning tea some students went to the hall for the science roadshow. There were instructors there that explained all about gases and acids. After the gas show, the students were allowed to look around and test the experiments in the hall. There was an electric ball that made your hair stick up, and there was a spinning curtain that made you dizzy.

Mrs Rousse wanted to do something like science roadshow to get kids interested in science and to learn things that they couldn’t teach in the science room. Mrs Bell really liked balloons popping with acids. She really liked students exploring around the hall and trying everything out.

After looking around the hall we had another show about acids. The instructors had a balloon and popped it with different acids to see what would happen.The instructors all made a fire tornado by spinning a bowl with fire in it. 

It was a really enjoyable and cool thing to experience! 

By: Yoona, Alexia, Campbell, Sophia-Skye, Kobi