Hero photograph
Photo by Christine Gillard

Tēnā Koutou Kātoa - Schooling As We Have Never Experienced

Sharon Keen —

The past six weeks have seen us move from face to face teaching to remote learning. A massive congratulations to our staff and community for embracing the shift and making it work for the wellbeing of our young people.

I can not thank staff enough for the positive and enthusiastic manner in which they have embraced the change in delivering their programs of learning to remote delivery and even more importantly the way they have worked at staying connected with you, our community and our students.  At Casebrook we place great value on relationships and these have continued to flourish under such strange and difficult circumstances.

The Government and Ministry of Health have issued broad guidelines around what schooling will look like in Level 2 and basically it appears to be school as we know it but with careful consideration given to hygiene: hand washing or sanitizing, coughing into our elbow and staying home if unwell.

As a staff we look forward to welcoming back our students and can assure you we will provide as safe an environment as possible.  We believe the timing is right for students to re-engage with their learning, teachers and friends.  

As we gain greater clarity of the next stage we will keep you well informed. Currently schools will not return prior to Monday May 18 but this may change depending on when we move to Level 2.  However those students who are currently attending will still be supervised as they continue with their remote learning. 

The school office remains closed but both Christine and Tracy can be contacted through the school phone number and Mr Mark Russell is also available by phone to assist with concerns of student wellbeing.

Please take the time to read this newsletter and share it with you whānau as it contains many examples of the amazing things our students have achieved from their homes.

Take care and we look forward to you joining us on our return to school.

Nāku iti noa

Sharon Keen
