Hero photograph
Photo by Admin Cashmere

Message from the Principal

Admin Cashmere —

Curriculum in Action and School Evacuation Practice

Curriculum in Action Exploring, inventing, coding and creating... whole lot of activity from one device and a 'Makey Makey' kit. Taran, one of our senior students, coded a programme using the circuit board of Makey Makey. I loved being shown the process he went through and what he produced. It was a fine example of our Capabilties in action, such as, Curiosity, Critical Thinking, and Creating, as well as what our students can explore when supported. Sonia Glen is our IT Assistant and Jess Maurice is our Digital Technologies Coordinator. Through their help, our tamariki and staff have access to well managed devices and IT systems.

School Evacuation Practice A reminder that this is happening this Friday, 26th August, 2:00pm - 3:00pm. The purpose of the practice is to test our systems and to support staff to implement the procedures in the event of a real emergency. Please ensure your child knows whether to expect you or their emergency contact to collect them between 2:00-3:00pm or whether they will wait till 3:00pm and go home as usual. It is a long and patient wait for children so we recommend that your child comes with something to do during that time e.g. drawing, reading.