Hero photograph
Photo by Admin Cashmere

Message from the Principal

Admin Cashmere —

Welcome Back!

It has been so lovely walking around our kura and seeing bright, happy faces as our children return to school, refreshed and ready for the final term of the year. We’re celebrating books and reading this week with our Book Character day, Mystery Teacher Reading Swap, a Book Quiz and more! The Student Council are also running a Bake Sale to raise funds for some new soccer goals for the field. Thank you to our Student Council, their whānau and our other bakers, AnneMaree, Sarah L and Sonia and Abi for helping to organise all of this fun for us!

Kaitiakitanga at CAS

Last year you might remember our school-wide focus on Kaitiakitanga, which is one of our CAS approaches to learning. Kaitiakitanga can be described as guardianship or protection. A kaitiaki is a guardian, keeper, and protector. At CAS we encourage each other to be kaitiaki of ourselves, of each other, and our school property and environment.

As a school we look for ways to reduce waste and our impact on the physical environment. We take pride in our spaces, and we treasure our wildlife and natural landscape.

One of the challenges we have with our location is rubbish being blown around, and catching into corners of our school. From time to time our school rubbish also blows into the neighbouring properties. To reduce this, we are working on minimising the amount of rubbish we put in our outside bins. From this term, we will be encouraging your children to bring their lunchbox wrappers and leftovers back home, rather than using the school bins. This will hopefully minimise rogue wrappers from finding their way into our trees and into the neighbours, and enable you to reuse, recycle or compost anything if you wish rather than it all going to landfill. One other benefit I appreciate as a parent is being able to see just how much (or how little!) of the lunch gets eaten each day.