Hero photograph
Photo by Admin Cashmere

Message from the Principal

Admin Cashmere —

Kia ora Te Whānau,

The school is buzzing with whanaungatanga. What a joy it is seeing our older tamariki being tuakana of our younger tamariki in our playgrounds. It has also been wonderful seeing so many of you connecting with us and each other within our school grounds. Cashmere Avenue School truly is a hub of our community. Ngā mihi nui (huge thanks) for being kaitiaki (guardians) of each other whilst doing so.

Our tamariki are training hard for our upcoming Cross Country. For us as parents these events provide a wonderful catalyst for discussion with our children. For some tamariki preparing for the cross country is hard and is a real challenge. If this is your child, it creates an opportunity to talk to them emphasising the importance of showing resilience. We encourage them to focus on the sense of self pride that they will feel having completed it. However, if this causes a real concern for your child, please be in touch with their class teacher so you can work together to create a plan. For other children it is easy. If, like me, this is your child, then we can discuss ways they can express their success and feeling of self pride whilst showing empathy for others.

I look forward to connecting with you all over the course of the exciting term ahead. 

Ngā manaakitanga

Jo Staite