Hero photograph
Photo by Admin Cashmere

Home & School

Admin Cashmere —

CAS Tees, CAS Family Fun Day, CASE garden, Sandpit cover and next meeting

CAS Tees - Orders have now closed for these gorgeous tees and we anticipate delivery week commencing 27 February. Thank you to everyone who supported this fundraiser - all profits will go towards our annual donation to the school. We look forward to meeting that target with your support again this year!

Upcoming…We have a few exciting things on the go!

CAS Family Fun Day - grab a pen and block out 11am-2pm Sunday 26 March for heaps of fun and fundraising with family and friends at CAS. 

We are thrilled to announce that our Fun Day is just around the corner on 26 March, 11am – 2pm! Get ready for a day filled with fun, games and exciting activities! There will be a variety of activities to suit all interests and ages, including games, food stalls, activities and much more.

We can’t wait to put on a great event for the tamariki and really get the school buzzing! We would love your support in making this year's family fun day a success, with proceeds going towards the fit out of rooms 7, 8 and 9.

This year, we are in need of volunteers to help with various tasks such as setting up, working on the stalls, serving food, and cleaning up afterwards. Volunteering is a great way to give back to the community and make a positive impact.

If you are interested in volunteering, please get in touch with Zoe Gray fairgray81@gmail.com. This day will only be as big and successful as the number of people involved - so let’s make it great!

As part of the day, we will be having a stall selling good quality toys and sports equipment so please save any items you may have to contribute to this. We will have a couple of drop off times which you will hear about soon so keep an eye out for our newsletters. Also, if there are any special crafty people out there who might be interested in creating a few things to have a small craft table at the fair, please let us know.

Grab this fantastic opportunity to come together as a school community, make new friends and have a blast! We can’t wait to see you there!

For our new families, make sure to like both the Cashmere Avenue School and Cashmere Avenue Home and School Association pages on Facebook.

CASE garden spruce up - we’re working with the school on ways to make this space one where our kids can nurture in nature as there is much to be said for being able to see, smell, touch and taste learning. More details on a working bee will be out soon to kick start this project.

Sandpit cover replacement - the school sandpit is in dire need of a new cover! We’ve done our homework but might need some extra support in securing a fit-for-purpose solution. If you are in a position to help us fund this, please be in touch - homeandschool@cashmere-ave.school.nz

Our first meeting is in the staff room at 7:30pm Monday 20 February. Feel free to join us! We love new members as well as willing and able friends.