Hero photograph
Photo by Admin Cashmere

Student News

Admin Cashmere —

St John's visit the senior syndicate, Room 14 & 15 Wheels Day and Room2 and their volcano museum, Tennis

St John's Visit

St John's visited Cashmere to give our senior students some first aid pointers.  They learned about CPR and how to bandage and how to use an epipen.  

Room 14 & 15 Wheels Day

It was a lovely sunny day as Room 14 and 15 tamariki brought along their bikes and scooters for some wheels time.  It was so much fun.

Volcano Museum

Room 2 has been super busy lately and proudly exhibited their volcano museum to other classes and staff.  They organised tickets and times to come so not everyone came at the same time, hand sanitiser on the way in and a map of their exhibition and put a lot of work into their exhibits.  Ka pai Room 2 on an interesting exhibit.

School Bands:

Our two main school bands and development band have been working hard during the term on their songs.  Last week, Miss Christie was lucky enough to get a sneak peak.  Thanks to Sean O'Connor for all his mahi with our bands.

Room 18 Kaitiakitanga Projects

Room 18 have been looking into kaitiakitanga projects inside the school.  Their class has five kaitiakitanga groups.  One of them is gardening by rooms 10 and 11.  There are some boys helping with the drains around the school, and a group is working on the CASE garden.  Last Thursday, part of the group went with Miss Christie to Mitre 10 to collect some gardening supplies they generously donated to us, after we sent an email asking for help.  We received a garden fork, a spade, hedge clippers and four pairs of gloves.  It was very fun and we think that the tools will be of good use.  A big thank you to Mitre 10 Crofton Downs for helping repair the garden and thanks to Khandallah New World for the little gardens.

Primary Schools Tennis Tournament

Ka pai to Phoebe,  Zara and Sienna BP who participated at the Primary Schools Tennis Tournament yesterday.  Congratulations to Phoebe and Zara who reached the semi-finals.  Oliver H, Tommy and Bradley are participating in the Boys tournament today.