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2023 Student Council
Photo by Admin Cashmere

Student Council News Desk

Admin Cashmere —

Black and White Dress up day

Dress up Day:

First dress up day of the year! This time, we have done a fundraiser for the people in Hawkes Bay. The reason we are doing this is because of the flooding over there. Poor people. Some people lost everything. All of their stuff just washed away. We are going to donate all of our money to the Red Cross. Why this is who we are donating to is because the Red Cross can help people in this situation quite a lot. I think the money raised will really help them! Speaking about the money, we raised an amazing total of $506.50! Wow! That means that a lot of people put in more than just a single dollar! That’s a whole lot of money all for the people in Hawkes Bay. I hope they can repair a lot of the damage done with our donations!