Admin Cashmere — Oct 14, 2022

Room 14 and 15's Kaitiaki Project & Chinese Language Week

Room 14 and 15 are Kaitiaki of the wetland at the back of the school field. Last term they were curious as to how they could improve it. After interviewing people from the past who first developed it, they decided to plant more plants to bring the birds. Also they wanted to be able to play in and amongst the plants.

First they had to research what type of plants were needed, and then plan out how it was going to look. They also made wooden bird feeders and bird houses to help bring the birds back. Then we had a bake sale to raise money to buy all the plants. Finally they got to plant. Now they will have to help tend them by looking after them with weeding and watering. They are super excited to see them grow over their time at school and to visit them long after they have left.

The children used their curiosity and creativity, they had to collaborate and be critical thinkers. All CAS capabilities we have been working hard on. Well done Room 14 and 15!

Chinese Language Week in Room 14 & 15

Ni hao! Ni hao ma? At the end of last term was Chinese Language Week. Room 14 & 15 were fortunate enough to have many special parents in to share and introduce them to the language. They learnt songs, greetings, how to write their names, did some yoga and listened to stories in Mandarin. Xie xie community!