Admin Cashmere — Oct 5, 2023

Poroaki & Year 6 Event, Rāroa


This year our Poroaki for our Year 6 leavers will take place at 1pm on Thursday 14 December.  This will be followed by an afternoon tea.  For those of you who are first time leavers, this is a special occasion for tamariki and their whānau.  We do request that no pre-schoolers attend the poroaki as it is longer than an assembly.  Further information regarding the Poroaki and the Year 6 event will be available nearer the time.  

Year 6 Event:

To celebrate our Year 6s as they carry on their learning journey we have a Year 6 event.  This will be on Wednesday 13 December and start early evening.  Further information on this will be emailed out to you nearer the time.

Rāroa Enrolment Reminder:

The following is a message from Rāroa:

Rāroa Normal Intermediate would like to remind you to please enrol for 2024. In order for them to effectively place your child, they would appreciate any students intending to go to Rāroa to have their enrolment completed as soon as possible. This link will take you directly to Rāroa's enrolment form.

If you have any queries or questions regarding the enrolment process, please contact the Rāroa School Office at 4775330 or