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Photo by Admin Cashmere

Yummy Apples

Admin Cashmere —

Last day, this Friday, 23 September.

The "Healthy Eating, Healthy Living" "Yummy" sports promotion has sports money for schools with $200,000.00 OF FREE SPORTS GEAR! Over the past few years the school has received a huge amount of sports equipment from this promotion including balls, bats, hoops, cricket gear, etc.

Crunch your way through "Yummy" Apples, collect the "cut out" labels from the 2kg bags of apples or individual Yummy apple stickers (each 2kg bag "cut out" is worth 10 stickers!) Bring your stickers to school for your class chart. Get going, start collecting your "Yummy" 2kg cut out labels and stickers now! Let’s see how many stickers we can get by Friday 23 September.