Hero photograph
Photo by Admin Cashmere

Home & School News

Admin Cashmere —

Sea of Blue, Super Friday & Mathathon

Have you seen? CAS is a sea of blue of late! H&S have issued the much anticipated CAS hoodies and boy oh boy have they caused a stir. They're bold, bright and super snuggly. We couldn't be happier to see them being worn proudly in and out of school. Huge shout out to Stephen Legg and Foundry Creative for the epic design, and Amanda Rossiter and Pinpals for covering the print set up costs. Many hands do make light work.

Exciting news! Given their awesomeness and because of popular demand, H&S are thrilled to confirm that CAS school hoodies will be available to purchase through Kindo in Term 3. Keep an eye out for orders opening from Monday 25 July. 

As always, thank you for your incredible support!    

Super Friday

What is Super Friday?  

At lunchtime on Friday there will be our popular sausage sizzle and after school it's disco time.  Our theme - Under the Stars.  

Junior Disco (Y1-3) 5.00pm - 6.15pm

Senior Disco (Y3-6) 6.45pm - 8.00pm

Our Year 3 students can choose which disco they would like to attend.

How do I sign my child up for Super Friday?

Log onto Kindo (if you don't have a Kindo account you can set one up) and you will find all the information you require.  

Also, just a quick reminder that we still have Covid around so children with any symptoms should not attend. The Ministry of Education has this week reminded us that when indoors, children that are year 4 and above are encouraged to wear masks. The hall will be well ventilated and all adults attending the disco will wear masks.


Did you know that in a room of 23 people there is a 50% chance that two people have the same birthday? Mathathon testing happens this week! Thank you for all your efforts in supporting your children in learning their Maths and collecting some sponsors or donations along the way. All money raised will go towards ICT resources. Prize winners will be announced at assembly on Friday 8 July. Donations/sponsorship money can be dropped to the office or deposited into H&S bank account: 03-0525-0016355-000 (please use “mathathon” as a reference against your transaction). Please have all money in by Friday 1 July. Good luck CAS Maths masters and thank you for your support!