Admin Cashmere — Oct 14, 2022

Class placements 2023, Teacher Only Day, hats to be worn in Term 4, Athletics Day and Emergency Preparedness


We have a scheduled Teacher Only Day on Friday 21 October, the Friday before Labour Weekend. This is to support teachers with their assessment analysis and report writing. School will be closed on both Friday 21 October and Monday 24 October. Y Central will be running a programme at Khandallah School for those who require childcare. The cost is $60 and you can book online at


We are preparing class lists for 2023. We have a good understanding of your child’s schooling needs and follow a careful process to ensure that the makeup of classrooms is equitable to all children. We ask that you trust the professional judgement of your child’s teacher and the syndicate team’s careful allocation process. We do not accept placement requests for teachers or friendship groupings. Teachers have a great deal of knowledge on your child’s capability and who they work best with.

However, if there are any exceptional or serious factors that you believe staff may be unaware of then please email our Principal, Kate Christie: outlining the factors to be considered. If required, she may call you seeking further information or you may feel it appropriate to make an appointment with Kate, via the office. Please express your considerations to the Principal by Wednesday 26 October. 


Don’t forget that in Terms 1 and 4 hats MUST BE WORN while your child is outside. Please make sure your child has a named hat in their bag to wear while outside doing PE, and for interval and lunchtime. They must wear their hat even if it’s cloudy. We require the children to wear sun hats that provide protection to the ears and neck as well as the face. Bucket hats, legionnaire caps or “cricket”-style are all suitable. Students without a hat, or an appropriate hat will be asked to remain in designated shade areas during interval and lunch. Hats are available for purchase ($15) from the office but we must have permission from a parent in order to sell a child a hat.


 Tuesday 8 November - all day

The Middle and Senior Syndicate children will be taking part in our Annual Athletics day on Tuesday 8 November. Please make sure the children are wearing appropriate clothes for athletics, tops which covers their shoulders, a hat, water bottle (full of water) and some extra food. If you wish to come on site and watch from a distance, do not enter the competition space/field. We appreciate that our parents model being sun safe by also wearing a hat.


In the event of a disaster, the School's responsibility is to its children and staff.  With the majority of our parents working in the Wellington CBD, it is highly likely that, in a major disaster, there will be a significant period of time before all parents can safely pick up their children from the School.  In such a situation, the School will continue to care for the children.

In previous years the contribution paid for the installation of three water tanks (4000 litres!), food supplies, first aid supplies, communication equipment and other various items.  The main focus this year will be on food and first aid supplies.  

We do not receive any designated funding or grants to cover these costs.  An annual contribution of $10 per student maintains an adequate level of supplies and equipment for each classroom for a major Civil Defence emergency.