Parent Information

Admin Cashmere —

Pōwhiri, Production, Winter Illnesses, Spare Clothes, Parent/Teacher Interviews, Whānau Hui


Due to illness, our Pōwhiri has been moved to Thursday 18 May at 1.45pm.  If you have a child new to the School you will receive an invitation to the event.  Our Pōwhiri welcomes new tamariki and their whānau to our Kura.  You will meet at the waharoa (front gate) at 1.45pm and your child will meet you there.

We welcome any of our current families to attend our Pōwhiri as hau kainga.


Due to illness, our Middle/Senior Production has been postponed a week.  The new dates for Aotearoa Adventure are as follows:

Monday 29 May - 6pm

Tuesday 30 May - 1.30pm

Wednesday 31 May - 6pm

Keep an eye out for ticket information which will come out next week.  Our junior syndicate tamariki will watch the dress rehearsal on Friday 26 May.

Whānau Hui

Kia ora koutou katoa, He mihi nui ki a koutou katoa!

We would like to extend a warm invitation to all of our parents and whānau of our ākonga Māori, to come to our upcoming whānau hui, which will be held on Wednesday 17 May at 5:30 pm in the staffroom. This is an opportunity for us to come together to share in our kaupapa Māori values, share ideas about what we can do at Cashmere Avenue to help our tamariki be the best they can be, and to strengthen our relationships with one another. We bring a plate of kai to share together, and children are welcome to join our hui. Noho ora mai, Carmen, Adelle, Jess and Jenny. 

Coughs, Colds and Covid:

You might have noticed some of our usual people have been away over the last few weeks, we have had a bit of illness including Covid hit our staff. We are fortunate to have a crew of amazing part time teachers and relievers. Having returned from a week at home with Covid, I’m very appreciative of all the mahi tahi/team work that our Senior Leadership team, our office, admin and support staff, and our teaching team have shown over the last few weeks! 

Anecdotally, we’re noticing children are showing a few symptoms, and then feeling better quite quickly although they might still be positive and still contagious. Thank you for keeping an extra eye out for symptoms. If your child tests positive for Covid, please let the office team know, and keep your child at home for seven days from the first sign of symptoms, or the positive RAT result (whichever came first). Remember that the first day is “Day 0”, so if a child tests positive on Monday, they can return to school on Tuesday.

If your child is a household contact, the Ministry of Health has provided the following guidance:

Household Contacts do not need to isolate.

  • If you are a Household Contact, you should test daily for 5 days with a rapid antigen test (RAT) from the day the person with COVID-19 tested positive.

  • Wear a face mask if you leave your home during your 5 days of testing.

  • If you test positive for COVID-19, you must self-isolate for 7 days.

You can find more detailed information at

How to prevent the spread of illness in the school:

  • Sick students or staff should not be at school, sports matches, school productions or camps. This is so they can rest and recover and don’t spread illness to others.

  • If your child is away sick with flu like symptoms please let us know.

  • Make sure everyone covers their mouth and nose with tissues when coughing and sneezing.

  • Put used tissues in a covered bin or plastic bag.

  • If there are no tissues available, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve - not your hands.

  • Remember to wash your hands afterwards and regularly wash your hands.

  • Regularly clean surfaces that are touched a lot e.g. door handles, counter tops, bathroom areas, as viruses can live up to 48 hours on hard surfaces. 

Spare Clothes:

The winter terms are upon us and this means dirty clothes for some who enjoy playing in the mud or the puddles. During Terms 2 and 3 it is helpful if your child has a spare set of clothing in their bag, just in case. 

Parent/Teacher Interviews:

Term 2 Parent/Teacher interviews are planned for Week 10. You will be able to sign up for these using our @school Mobile app. Please make sure you have logged in to the app before then. If you need your log in details sent to you again, please email This is the same app you can use to notify the school of absences, view newsletters, see your latest statement, and more!  Further information will be sent out nearer the time.