Hero photograph
Photo by Admin Cashmere

Student News

Admin Cashmere —

Junior ASB Trip

Junior ASB Trip:

The Junior Syndicate tamariki had a fabulous time at the ASB yesterday.  So many fun activities had by all.  Ngā mihi to our Junior Syndicate teachers for organising the day and to our parent helpers.  

Pedal Ready / Scooter Ready

Thanks to Rhonda and her pedal ready team for their work with our senior syndicate tamariki.  You may have seen our Year 6 students out and about on the streets of Khandallah learning how to keep safe on the roads.

They also came in on Monday to run sessions with our middle syndicate tamariki on the fundamental skills of riding a scooter safely.  

National Shakeout Day:

Last week our students and staff took part in the National Shakeout Day.  This was a nationwide earthquake drill.