Hero photograph
Photo by Admin Cashmere

Message from our Principal, Jo Staite

Admin Cashmere —

Kia ora Te Whānau

Like many of you, I was extremely surprised to see that it was two years ago that we went into our first lockdown.  As I pondered what to write in my first Principal's message, our value of Growth Mindset kept popping into my head.  The last two years have provided us all with copious opportunities to develop and display a growth mindset both in our home lives and in our work lives.  I have been thinking about how different it must be for those beginning teachers who have started in the last two years from when I started teaching over twenty years ago.  I take my  hat off to them.

I have also been reflecting on how incredible our tamarki are with the changes that can occur over the course of a day.  They have shown resilience.  As a parent myself, this has always been the capability my  husband and I have discussed as a goal for our son.  Like you all, I have seen this develop as he has tackled the changes, and at times, challenges that have arisen.

As we head into more changes, in the next few weeks, I know we will face these too with a positive can-do attitude and continue to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our community.  Whatever is thrown at us, we will know that we just haven't done it yet!

Ngā mihi - acknowledgements

Jo Staite