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Photo by Admin Cashmere

In-Zone Enrolments 2023 & Student Leavers

Admin Cashmere —

It is nearly that time of year when we start to plan classes for 2023. Having a clear picture of leavers and arrivers helps us to plan class placements and keep classes to an appropriate size.

If you have a child who will be starting Cashmere during 2023 or know of any who will be, can you please fill in our pre-enrolment form on our website as this gives us an indication of our class numbers. Ngā mihi. Web address: www.cashmere-ave.school.nz/starting-school/enrolments

Leavers: Do you have a child (Year 1 to Year 5) leaving our school at the end of 2022? Please advise the school office so that we can prepare the appropriate transfer information.