Cashmere High School — Jan 26, 2024

Welcome Back and Welcome To Our Year 9s

As we begin the academic year I extend a very warm welcome back to all our whānau, family and friends, and most especially our students. Also welcome to our new Year 9s who will begin tomorrow with our school powhiri.

For those of you who are new to our school community, every fortnight I send a short overview of what is happening around our school, both inside and outside of the classroom.

The start of the school year is always an exciting time for our students, whether that excitement is about reuniting with their friends, undertaking new subjects or extra curricular programmes, or the opportunity to make a new start and refocus their priorities.

I wish all of our students a fulfilling and purposeful year for 2024.

NCEA Results

Once again, our students have been able to achieve outstanding academic results in their 2023 NCEA qualifications. For us, these results are the culmination of hard work and a commitment to our teaching and learning programme while also providing opportunities for our students to be able to pursue their chosen pathways once they leave Cashmere.

In this increasingly competitive and changing workforce, in which high functioning skills are required, the role of education has never been more important. Despite some commentators suggesting qualifications are overrated, research confirms there is a direct link between having high qualifications and enjoying a high standard of living and positive wellbeing.

For those students who have been disappointed with their individual results, the new academic year is a wonderful opportunity to reflect, bounce back and focus on their reflections to ensure this year is a better one.

NCEA Results for 2023 — Image by: Cashmere High School

Our Strategic Charter and Priorities for 2024



Together, empowering communities


Developing both the intellect and character of our students


Citizenship, Opportunity, Vibrancy and Excellence (COVE)

Strategic Priorities:

1. High academic achievement for all students

2. Innovative Curriculum

3. Opportunity

4. Biculturalism

5. Sense of belonging  

Get Involved!

Such a big part of our school ethos is the incredible opportunities that are available to our students. In particular we have extensive sporting, performing arts and service programmes which provide our students with a unique platform to develop and grow physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally.

I am a big believer that school is not only a place in which to develop academic knowledge and skills, it is also a place in which to develop key life skills which are highly valued in the workplace. Our extra curricular programmes are a great vehicle for us to be able to help students develop these skills while also promoting positive wellbeing, connection and belonging. It is never too late to give something a go, so look out for our extra curricular sign ups.

Getting Involved 2023 — Image by: Cashmere High School
Getting Involved 2024 — Image by: Cashmere High School

Adrian Fastier Appointed Lincoln High School Principal

I wish to congratulate Adrian Fastier who has been appointed Principal of Lincoln High School, commencing in Term 2. This is a fantastic opportunity for Adrian and an excellent endorsement of his work and development during his time at Cashmere High School. Therefore, I wish to thank him for his service to our school community in which he has served in numerous roles over a number of years including his latest role as one of our Deputy Principals. Adrian is an exceptional educational leader who will bring a wealth of skills, experience and energy to his role at Lincoln High School. We wish him all the best!

Adrian Fastier — Image by: Cashmere High School


As you may be aware the Government has introduced regulations that require all state and state-integrated schools to put in place school rules regarding cell phones. The regulations require that schools must ensure students do not use or access a phone while they are attending school, including during lunch time and breaks. This includes students who are on a school course or visit outside the school grounds.

Please check your email for further information.

Term 1 Key Dates

Key Dates Term 1 2024 — Image by: Cashmere High School

Who’s who at Cashmere High School  - Heads of School (Deans)

The Heads of Schools play a key part in leading the pastoral programmes for their respective year groups. They follow the year group from Year 9 through to Year 13.

Year 9 - Mr Cox — Image by: Cashmere High School

Year 9 Mr Brett Cox

Year 10 - Mrs Stewart — Image by: Cashmere High School

Year 10 - Mrs Johanna Stewart

Year 11 - Mr Milward — Image by: Cashmere High School

Year 11 - Mr Nick Milward

Year 12 - Mrs Beer — Image by: Cashmere High School

Year 12 - Mrs Aysha Beer

Year 13 - Ms Minehan — Image by: Cashmere High School

Year 13 - Ms Victoria Minehan

From the Archives

1956 - First Day Assembly

From the Archives: First Day Assembly 1956 — Image by: Cashmere High School

The Fortnight Ahead 

Fortnight Ahead - T1 Wks1 &2 — Image by: Cashmere High School