Heidi Ball - January 25, 2021
This first newsletter is always an opportunity to stress some key pieces of information for parents and caregivers of our senior students.
Reviews and Reconsiderations External Exams 2020:
Once candidates have received their marked 2020 examination answer booklets, they may approach teachers for advice and guidance about applying for a review or reconsideration.
Candidates should be reminded that a review is only appropriate for processing errors, such as the incorrect transcription of a grade. There is no fee for a review.
To apply for a review or reconsideration of grades students must login to the NZQA website and complete the forms/online service. The information below helps to explain things from an NZQA perspective and is important for you to read if thinking of completing a review or reconsideration.
Requesting reconsiderations will result in the entire booklet being re-marked against the original assessment schedule. Before requesting a reconsideration, candidates should review the achievement criteria as detailed in the relevant judgement statement. The judgement statements arise out of the assessment schedule for each standard and are published on the NZQA website.
The following fees apply to reconsiderations, although these fees will be refunded in the event the reconsideration is successful.
Levels 1-3
$20.40 per standard
NZ Scholarship
$30.70 per subject/portfolio
The fee for Design and Visual Communication (DVC) and Technology portfolios is $20.40 for each external achievement standard, not each portfolio.
The final date for receipt of any applications for NCEA Level 1-3 reviews and reconsiderations is 26th February 2021, but candidates should be encouraged to apply as soon as possible. The final date for Scholarship reviews and reconsiderations is 5th March 2021. Applications received after these dates will not be considered.
All information regarding reviews and reconsiderations can be found in the NZQA website.
Each year I have a number of students who come to me seeking extensions for work during the year. Both students and parents need to realise that we view our internal assessments the same way as NZQA views their external examinations at the end of the year. If you are unwell, you need a doctors/nurses certificate that covers the day absent (our school nurse is available for a medical certificate). Your assignments will not be accepted past the due date without this medical certificate. Extensions for other than health reasons must, where possible, be applied for five days in advance of the internal assessment and must be given to the NZQA Qualifications and Assessments Manager (Miss Laura Martin MIL).
File Storage
All assessment documents are the student’s responsibility to manage. All files need to be backed up to ensure files for assessments are not lost. Loss of any documentation, written or digital, does not warrant an extension or consideration. NZQA recommend that all digital files are stored in three locations. For example, school system, home device and a flash drive.
Authenticity means that the work a student presents for assessment must be their own work. It must not be directly copied from information such as books, other students, or from information downloaded from the Internet.
It is quite acceptable for students to discuss all aspects for their work with friends, parents, and to access any information from the Internet, books or other resources, as long as when it comes to actually writing their assignment, it is all their own work. Material sourced from reference books/internet must be appropriately acknowledged as instructed by the teacher.
Students are required to sign an authenticity sheet to confirm the work is their own and they have referenced all external material. If they do use any material without appropriate consent then they will automatically be awarded a ‘Not Achieved’.
There is a qualifications link on the Cashmere High School website that covers:
· Our assessment procedures: National Qualifications Framework - Assessment Procedures (e.g. reason for extensions etc.)
· Frequently asked questions about qualifications
Internal Achievement/Unit Standard results for 2020
Students should be encouraged to check results through the NZQA website and check that all standards have been loaded for 2020.
Any questions about the 2021 NZQA entries will be addressed after the 22rd of February as no entries are done before this to allow for subject changes to occur.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Kind Regards
Laura Martin