Principal's Fortnightly Kōrero by Cashmere High School

Principal's Fortnightly Kōrero

Cashmere High SchoolMay 26, 2022

Mask Use in School

Following on from my email yesterday. We have made the decision to re-introduce compulsory mask wearing for staff and students, when indoors, for a period of two weeks as a ‘circuit breaker’, from Monday 30th May until Friday 10th June. We will review this decision on the 9th June.

While I acknowledge the surge in absences, particularly staff absences, are not necessarily COVID related, the reality is that we have had to roll out a year group to remain operational. This causes significant disruption to our learning programmes and we feel we need to do what we can to mitigate this situation. Those who have previously had COVID will still be required to wear masks because of the influx of winter illnesses that are compounding the overall health of the community during this pandemic.

I appreciate that this decision will not sit well with some in our community. Please understand that we have tried to make this decision with the interests of staff and students at the forefront, and with the goal of keeping our learning programmes going.

Please note during this two-week period:

  • Visitors will be required to wear masks

  • External audiences attending school functions will need to wear masks.

  • The exception to mask wearing will be when students need to eat indoors during interval or lunch.

To confirm:

  • Masks will need to be worn by all staff and students, when indoors, as of Monday 30th May until Friday 10th June.

  • The Year 11s will engage in online learning from Monday - Friday 30th May until 3rd June.

  • A decision regarding the rolling out of a year group for week 6 will be made on Thursday 2nd June.

  • A re-evaluation of the decision to wear masks will be made on the 9th June.

Parent Teacher Interviews

Thank you to all the parents who attended our senior parent interviews on the 19th and 24th May. This was a wonderful opportunity to meet with you and to share the academic progress our students are making.

Pop Rocks - Contemporary Music Concert

On the 17th May we had our first Pop Rocks concert. Bands and Solo Artists from Year 9 to Year 13 played to an energetic audience in the PAC. All performers were treated to an afternoon workshop with industry professionals coming in and giving them feedback before the big night. It was amazing to see such talent on stage from bands who have had such limited performance time this year due to COVID. Thank you to all the parents and whanau who came along to support.

Pop Rocks Concert — Image by: Cashmere High School

Student Successes

Over the last fortnight we have had the opportunity to celebrate some wonderful student achievements. We have acknowledged a wide range of achievements including sports, music, speed cubing, art, service, languages and of course our COVE Awards. We were delighted Cashmere was named the National Languages Education Perfect Champions for the third year in a row! A special mention to Abigail Wheeler, Lucy Watt and Isaac Macdonald who received our COVE Awards.

Yr12 Principal's Award Recipients  — Image by: Cashmere High School
Y12 COVE Recipient: Abigail Wheeler — Image by: Cashmere High School
Y13 COVE Recipients - Isaac Macdonald & Lucy Watt — Image by: Cashmere High School
National Languages Education Perfect Champions — Image by: Cashmere High School

New Zealand Commercial Projects Awards

On Friday 20th May, I attended the NZ Commercial Projects Awards. This was in support of Leigh’s Construction, who received a Gold Award for their work on our Performing Arts Centre and our Mathematics and Statistics building. We are incredibly lucky to have these facilities and we are delighted that Leigh’s Construction has been recognised for their brilliant workmanship.

NZ Commercial Projects awards - Leigh's Construction Gold Award — Image by: Cashmere High School

Cashmere High School Foundation - BLAKE Virtual Reality Programme

A big thank you to the Cashmere High School Foundation for funding the BLAKE Virtual Reality programme for our Year 9 classes. This was an amazing learning experience for our students to explore underwater reserves and learn about the effects of pollution.

BLAKE VR Experience  — Image by: Cashmere High School
BLAKE VR Experience — Image by: Cashmere High School

Whos Who at Cashmere High School - Deborah Amos

Mrs Deborah Amos — Image by: Cashmere High School

Ko wai au?

Ko Te Tihi o Kahukura te maunga tāwharau
Ko Hydaspes tōku waka.
Ko Ōtākaro te awa whaipainga.
No Ōtautahi ahau.
Ko Chris tāku tane
Ko Scarlett rāua ko Hazel āku tamāhine
Ko Deborah Amos tōku ingoa.

Kia ora koutou. I am Deborah Amos, and I have been a part of the whānau o Te iringa o Kahukura since 2000. At present, I am the Head of Junior English and the teacher in charge of Senior Debating.

I live in Parklands with my husband and two daughters, Hazel and Scarlett. We love taking our spoodle, Archie, for walks in Bottle Lake Forest and along Waimari Beach. When we aren’t busy with running the girls around to sports and drama, we enjoy family movies and eating out.

Growing up, money was tight. My mother finished school with School Certificate, and my father left school after Standard Four due to rheumatic fever and health issues. They were determined that I would have a good education. We would sit at the kitchen table every afternoon and discuss homework, they paid for a set of encylopaedias we couldn’t afford, and Mum took me to the library every week. I was the first person in my family to gain a university degree.

I believe that all ākonga can achieve their goals with the right supports in place. Often at social events people will say, “I could never be a teacher. How do you cope with a room full of teenagers?” To which I reply that being in the classroom is the best part of the job. At Cashmere, we have a culture where ākonga want to learn and achieve their personal best. They know that their teachers care about them and will give them the support and feedback that they need to succeed. Poipoia te kākano kia puāwai. Nurture the seed, and it will blossom.

From the Archives

Year 9 (3rd Form) Class from 1957

Image by: Cashmere High School

Fortnight Ahead 

Week 5 & 6 — Image by: Cashmere High School
Open Day 2022 — Image by: Cashmere High School

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