Pou Whirinaki
Year 9 Pōwhiri
At the start of 2024 we had our annual Year 9 pōwhiri. This is a massive event for us here at Cashmere High School to not only introduce our new year 9 but also our new to school Kaiako and ākonga in other year groups.
Whānau Hui
In week 3 we have our first whānau hui for 2024. The theme of this hui is whanaungatanga. It is a great chance for our whānau to connect with other and get to know our Te Reo Māori department and to show off what activities will happen during the year.
Kapa Haka
Once again we have the privilege of having Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Whānau Tahi senior ākonga coming in school every Thursday Period 5.
House Haka Competition
This year we will see the first ever house haka competition. This will be an event where house will take on house to preform our school haka. This is happening in Term 3 this year.