Hero photograph
2016 Music Soiree

Music Groups

Kate Divett —

Orchestra, Jazz Combo and Concert Band and will be starting this term... registration form contained in this notice...

Music groups are starting soon! Miss Provan and Miss Divett have held a meeting for interested students, and any interested participants will need to complete an enrolment for so that we can communicate with home about performances throughout the year. 

Participants need to be able to read easy music, and must have been learning their instrument for a minimum of 2 years.

There has been some adjustment to the rehearsal times for the groups:

Orchestra - Monday 11:30 to 12:30 (starting Week 6)

Jazz Combo - Monday 12:30 to 1:30 (starting Week 6)

Concert Band - Wednesday 8:30 to 9:00 (Starting Week 5)

Due to the school Swimming Sports, Orchestra and Jazz Combo will be starting a week later.

Please complete this enrolment form (click below) in order to confirm your child's participation.

Music Group Sign Ups 2017