Hero photograph
Cashmere Primary School amazing PTA!
Photo by Katie Martin

PTA News - potatoes, potatoes, potatoes and more!


Fancy potato pie for dinner? Roast potatoes, baked potatoes, potato wedges? 

Potatoes for sale at the school - $10 for a 4-5 kilo bag of delicious potatoes.  Look out for our sale points at school pick up time!

Next PTA meeting is on Wednesday night 7pm in the staff room.  Everyone welcome!  And if you can't join us but want to be involved in some way or just keep in touch with what we are doing, then find the PTA facebook page and like it, or email us at pta@cashmereprimary.school.nz and become a Friend of the PTA.

We're still looking for a creative sort to join us or to just help us out as needed with design type activities.  Please contact us if you would like to help at pta@cashmereprimary.school.nz  

Keep collecting all those empty 170 gm baby food jars - we need them to make the lil' puds in to sell at the fair and we need lots!

Remember the disco on Friday 18 August - hopefully you've all received the permission slip (check those school bags if you haven't!)  Just fill it in and return it to the office in an envelope with $10.  Tickets will be distributed just before the big day.