Hero photograph
Photo by Gavin Burn

What does next year (2017) look like ?

Gavin Burn —

A brief overview of where our Cashmere Primary School learners will be in 2017. 

Where will our children start the year?

  • Tōtara team (Kātua team Year 7 & 8) will be in their newly renovated learning spaces, Kānuka (LS 1/2/3) and Mānuka (LS4)

  • Mātai team (Pīrere team Year 5 & 6) will be in Karamū (ground floor of the new learning hub).

  • Kōwhai team (Kōraho team Year 3 & 4) will be in Karamū, (first floor of the new learning hub).

  • Rata team (Māunu Team Year 1 & 2) will continue to be in their collaborative learning space in the Te Pōkai (Epicentre).

  • Click here to see a visual/map

What happens next year with our redevelopment ?

The Karamū building (new learning hub, Year 3-6) and Kānuka and Mānuka (Kātua Year 7 & 8 spaces) will be open for the first day of the 2017 school year.

The contractors will move to refurbish LS 14/15/16 transforming these spaces into the staffroom, library, ESOL nook and an additional flexible learning space. In addition to this LS 17/18/19 will be refurbished as our new administration block, for the school office, leadership team, health room and 2 meeting rooms.

When this stage is completed, the library, staffroom, admin team and leadership team will move into their new spaces and the contractors will begin the refurbishment of the current admin block transforming this space (Tarata) into new collaborative learning spaces for Māunu (year 1 & 2) learners.

The current admin block is an identified leaky building. This means that the contractors are not sure what they will find when they remove the cladding. For this reason the Ministry of Education are reluctant to give us a definitive finish date at this point in time. We expect this building to be ready to begin the 2018 school year (at the latest).

If you have any further questions around what 2017 will look like for your child (please let us know) click here.

Homeroom Placements

We are very excited about having all of our learners in collaborative spaces from the beginning of 2017. These spaces will provide a greater opportunity for all of our learners to be connected to their friends within the wider team. Each child will be placed into a homeroom but as we have done for the past two years they will be taught by all teachers within the team based on their specific next steps.

If you have specific information you would like to share with us, with regards to your child's homeroom placement then please email our principal, Gavin , principal@cashmereprimary.school.nz.

Ngā Mihi

Gavin Burn
