From our Board of Trustees

Gavin Burn —

Please read the report from our latest BOT meeting.

The last meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on Monday November 21st.

There were two PTA members present, and in addition to this Katie Martin was invited to report on the highly successful Twilight Fair. By any measure it was a huge success. Many parents and staff were actively involved in its organisation and the school community got right behind it. Even the weather was kind. The children had a great time, and it gave us all a chance to get to know each other better. It also raised a substantial amount of money which ultimately will be for the benefit of our children. The Board would fully support the PTA if they chose to hold another similar event next year (the previous one had been two years earlier). The fair represents one of the highlights of the school year.

The other focus of this board meeting was preparation of the budget for 2017. It would be fair to say this is a challenging year for our school as we move into our new and refurbished buildings and establish ourselves in the new learning environments, with all the implications of that. Some of those implications are financial. Board members take their fiduciary responsibilities seriously and have been working very closely with Gavin as together we try to ensure we maintain the highest standards of education for our students within some tight financial constraints. It is a challenging time for the school. Further meetings are planned in December and the budget is to be finalised in February. We plan to keep the school community informed as we progress this, as a shared understanding of the issues that confront us is helpful. Despite the challenges, these are exciting times for us all, and we have an excellent opportunity to create a solid foundation for our children’s learning.

Spencer Beasley

Acting BOT Chairperson