Hero photograph
Twilight Fair
Photo by Gavin Burn

PTA News


What has the PTA been up to....

The PTA held an appreciation morning tea at the end of last term for the teachers and staff, they really appreciated all the yummy baking and the new coffee machine! 

The soccer goals have arrived!  Thanks to Ben Onions and Steve Smith for taking the time to put them together.

Raffle Prizes Requested for the fair! After an amazingly successful raffle last year the PTA wants to run it again.  But we need raffle prizes!  If you have a business and would like to donate a raffle prize to help the school please email Katie Brown at katie.brown24@hotmail.co.nz

Remember to purchase your entertainment book


Any questions about the PTA or what we do?  Contact us at pta@cashmereprimary.school.nz