Kahukura Celebration
We invite you to attend the annual Kahukura Celebration next Wednesday evening, 16th November from 6.00pm to 8.00pm at Te Ara Koropiko West Spreydon School.
This celebration is an opportunity to get together with friends, family and others from the Kahukura School Community to have fun, relax, share food and celebrate our cluster schools’ musical rōpu.
The Cashmere Primary Te Pae Kererū senior kapa haka rōpu will all be performing, along with other kapa haka groups, choirs, bands and cultural performances from the other schools in our cluster. Matua Anton and Mr Collins will be there in the evening, beside the tamariki, who will be performing several waiata and finishing with the school haka.
We encourage all whānau to attend, support and connect with others in our Kahukura community.