Kowhai Team Thank You

Rose Lewis —

Kowhai Team has had a very busy Term 4 with lots of learning both in and out of the classroom.

As part of our EOTC Programme the Year 4s have had two fantastic visits to Ferrymead, Canterbury Museum, and Riccarton House and shortly we will visit Quail Island. The Year 3s in LS 1, 2, & 3 had an amazing trip to Orana Park. Thank – you very much to all the parents who provided transport and helped out with supervision on these trips. We couldn’t provide such programmes without your help and willingness to give up your time. We hope you also enjoyed the experiences. Also a huge thank – you to those parents who helped out on our trips to the Art Gallery, The Theatre Royal, the Imagination Station, and Sumner Beach.

Every year we ask for parents to help out in our learning space Numeracy programmes, and once again we have had a dedicated band of helpers. Thank – you so much for coming each week or fortnight and engaging with the children and providing an extra adult for them to interact with. It certainly helps us to provide more learning opportunities for the children.

Also a big thank – you to the parents who have helped with reading in Kowhai Team. LS 9 & 10 have been very grateful to Kate Langley who has helped out every Friday. The children have loved having the opportunity to read to someone and chat about what they have been reading. This is an invaluable service and thank – you for giving up your time to help us.

Another group of helpers that we really have appreciated, is the group who helped put the reading books away in the book rooms. This is not an easy job and we do appreciate the time you take to do this service for us. Hopefully it will be an easier task next year as we are at present cataloguing all of our books. Also we had some amazing parents who helped out with framing and labelling our artworks.

The children have also been very fortunate to benefit from parents who have come along to our learning spaces and shared their expertise and wisdom on a topic as part of our inquiry process. We loved having visitors talk to us about their experiences and expertise. A big thank you also to the Mindfulness educators who have taught Mindfulness with our Kowhai classes.

This year we have been very fortunate to have the teachers from Youth Town provide us with an exciting and rewarding Sports Programme every Wednesday. We are very grateful to Wayne, Ginny, Amanda, Bailey and Angus who have provided such a great programme for the Kowhai Team children. Also a big thank – you to Denise Thompson – Marr who has co – ordinated these activities for us.

Best wishes to those Year 4 children who are moving onto Pirere Team next year. You have been an amazing group of learners. We also wish Miss Ida Cullen all the best in her new ventures and thank her for her dedication and hard work in the Kowhai Team. We look forward to another great year in 2017 with the Year 3s who will be staying with us in Koraho Team and we look forward to welcoming this years’ Year 2s to our team.

Rose Lewis
