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by Gavin Burn

Understanding your child's Progress & Achievement on Hero

Gavin Burn - November 21, 2022

As we approach the end of the year we would like to remind you about how we use Hero to report on your child's progress and achievement.

Unpacking Progressions-Based Reporting

The progression wheels show you where your child is tracking in relation to the achievement levels of the NZ Curriculum. Curriculum achievement objectives have been broken down into smaller learning progressions which are taught within the classroom programmes. The literacy learning progressions for example, describe the specific literacy knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students draw on in order to meet the reading and writing demands of the curriculum.

Image by: Gavin Burn

Over the past two years we have strengthened our literacy curriculum by implementing structured literacy pedagogy (evidence-based literacy practices) across the school.

In term two we introduced a new bank of structured literacy reading and writing progressions (your child’s goals as shown on HERO).

What does this mean for you and your child?

You will see our previous reading and writing reports on your child’s HERO page alongside two new sets of goals. This is so that the previous record of progress and achievement remains visible. This may not apply to your child if they started school in T2 2022.

There may be gaps in your child's structured literacy goals at curriculum levels that have previously been fully achieved. This is because these concepts are a part of our new approach to teaching literacy and have not yet been taught. These gaps will be filled by teachers as part of their structured literacy teaching programmes.

We encourage you to focus on the progress dials alongside the progress graph and curriculum sub-level.