Ngā mihi maioha 

Gavin Burn —

Thank you (with appreciation),  from our principal .... 

Kia ora Whānau

As I reflect on 2016 and wonder just where the year has gone there is one thing that I am truly grateful for. That has been the support that I have received in my first year as principal at Cashmere Primary School.

To our students, thank you for your support, thank you for your greetings, your conversations and for sharing your learning with me. Most importantly thank you for being respectful and caring of each other.  I often say there is something very special about our school and there is, this is you! We are all very proud of what you do , your energy and enthusiasm, your learning and achievements and above all else that you are able to be yourself!  

To our wonderful staff, thank you for your support over the year. This has been the best year of my teaching career and I can honestly say that this is because of the team that I work with. I have valued your honest and open approach to learning and doing things differently. We have had all had a massive year of learning and I sincerely thank you for all of your hard work, dedication, commitment and  professionalism. 

To our PTA, thank you for all that you do in our school. Thank you also for your support, both at the PTA meetings but also throughout the year at the various community events that you lead. I will always remember the 'new parents BBQ' as one of the highlights of my first year. There was a 'real' sense of community at this event and it was one where I made so many new connections.  

Thank you to our Board of Trustees, thank you for your governance of our school and thank you for supporting me as the principal. We have had a massive year with many challenges yet we have collaboratively been working and learning together to overcome these. I am grateful of the contributions (time) that everyone has given this year, in particular our board chair Brian Ellwood.

Finally to all whānau and those in the wider community.  Thank you for your support, feedback and contributions to our school. I have truly appreciated your involvement and commitment to making a difference, not just for your own children but for the wider school.  Thank you also for your ongoing attendance and support at school school events, your help with school trips, sports teams, road patrol, transport etc. We genuinely could not operate as we do, without whānau support. 

I wish you all a great holiday, I hope it is a safe, relaxing and enjoyable time and I look forward to seeing everyone back at school in 2017 for what will be milestone year at CPS.

Ngā mihi nui

Gavin Burn
