Hero photograph
Twilight Fair
Photo by Gavin Burn

PTA news


There is lots going on at the moment with the disco this Friday, our potato selling efforts and the ongoing collection of raffle prizes for the twilight fair......

The glow disco is this Friday! Please return your $10 and permission skip to the office before Wednesday.  A great event - not to be missed! 

If it's not in your diary now it should be!  Cashmere Primary Te Pae Kereru Twilight Fair is Friday 10 November at 4.30 pm. We are still looking for raffle prizes and also anyone who wants to be involved in these early planning stages. The next meeting is 7pm, Wednesday 23 August in the staff room. We're also on the hunt for more empty baby food jars....

The PTA facebook page is up and running again - please like it and invite other Cashmere Primary Te Pae Kereru families to join so everyone can be kept in the loop!

We're still on the hunt for someone to help us out with designing the odd flyer or poster....  get in touch if you think you can help - even just for a one off!

Please contact us at pta@cashmereprimary.school.nz, even just to say hi!