Hero photograph
2016 Music Soiree

Thank you from The Arts!

Kate Divett —

What a lot of talented students we have at Cashmere Primary School! Thank you for being part of it.

On behalf of our Arts programme, I would like to extend an enormous THANK YOU to everyone who has been involved in and supported The Arts at Cashmere Primary School.

Thank you to parents who provide instruments, remind about practicing at home, and transport students to lessons or performances. Thank you for being our audiences!

Thank you to our team of tutors who so skillfully and professionally share their talent with our community. We are lucky to have such an expert team!

Thank you to the CPS staff for all you do behind the scenes to support The Arts and provide opportunities for students to be involved.

Thank you Anna Provan, for your work with our music groups and the Totara Team classroom music programme.

And lastly - thank you to all our students for working so hard and being so willing to 'have a go'. You are all so talented and have incredible potential! To those who are moving on to other schools next year, I wish you well in your future musical endeavours. To those coming back next year, I look forward to sharing more music with you in 2017!