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by Fiona Lill

Junior School

Mrs Fiona Lill - March 7, 2021

Bees were buzzing in the Junior School!

This week the Year 2 and 3 children were treated to an exciting talk by Otto’s grandparents about the bees they keep. With all sorts of interesting equipment set out in front of the children, curiosity was piqued and all eyes were focused ready to hear how bees live, help each other, clean and feed.

Image by: Fiona Lill

We were all surprised to hear how clean bees are and how they constantly help each other in the hive in a very ordered and structured way. We learned that bees don’t have ears but use vibration to listen and the children were fascinated by how many eggs the Queen Bee laid in a day - 1000!

Image by: Fiona Lill

Van and Alisa got to try on the beekeeping protective gear and we loved tasting the delicious honey that the bees had produced. What an amazing morning we had watching all those clever little creatures who contribute so much to our lives.

Swimming Programme

An email was sent to parents on Friday to provide information about the Junior School swimming programme coming up in Weeks 8 and 9 this term. It is always such an important and effective programme and the teaching team at Aquagym make such a great job of supporting our children in their learning. Please remember to name all clothing and that the children will need a cap and goggles. The children can wear their normal swimsuit as there aren’t uniform swimming togs, just caps if you require one from the uniform shop.

The following is the timetable for the whole fortnight:

1. J1G, J2B, J3L all leave on the bus at 9:30am

Swimming lesson from 10-10:30am

Bus back to school at 10:50am and arrive back by 11:10am

2. J1F, J2D, J3C all leave on the bus at 10:00am

Swimming lesson from 10:30-11:00am

Bus back to school at 11:20am and arrive back by 11:40am

Ngā mihi

Fiona and the Junior team.