Ms Brigit McCormack and Ms Sarah Dyer — Feb 17, 2020

We have seen an explosion of learning taking place outside of the classroom over the past week. Land and water activities have kept the students stimulated inside and outside of the classroom.

Last week the Preparatory School students were involved in our Swimming Sports Finals. Both Boys’ and Girls’ Schools had an excellent day at the pool, and all students represented their houses with pride. Congratulations to Hart and Hansen Houses, who took out the house swimming cups. Individual winners will be presented with their cups at a special Swimming Sports Award assembly on March 3. A special mention to the parents who took part in the Staff v Parents v Students race. The staff were too strong this year and took away the honours at both events. 

The first X-tend session started last Friday with students going off-site in multiple directions across the city to participate in some sporting challenges. This is always a great opportunity to take learning outside of the classroom and integrate with students across the Preparatory School. It was wonderful to see the students supporting each other and forming new friendships.

On Wednesday our Y6's head off to Hanmer Springs for their Camp. We wish our campers well and extend our thanks in advance to the teachers and parents who make camps such as these possible. We look forward to seeing the photos and hearing the stories from the students on their return.

A reminder that it is the Back to School BBQ on Friday. See you there!