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by Libby Avery


Ms Libby Avery - July 30, 2018

Welcome to Term 3

Can you all believe we are half way through the year already, but we still need to remember that the weather can be changeable, so all Pre-Schoolers need to bring in a warm jacket each day.

While the school was on term break the Pre-School continued to run an amazing programme of fun and learning for the children.  Week One saw dinosaurs visiting and the children even ventured into the botanical gardens to go and try to catch some.   We were lucky enough to have Kane the caretaker come for the adventure with us.  Dinosaur biscuits were baked.  A dinosaur scavenge hunt was set up and many more fun activities.

Week Two saw a visit from Bunnings to make trinket boxes and Library Lynette, from the Christchurch Libraries bought the mobile Library van for the children to explore.  Spy school was set up and the children used all their investigation skills to locate the missing books, which the Graffalo had hidden from them.

We are transitioning new children into the Pre-school regularly and over the next few weeks will be introducing further new children and families.  Prior to the holidays Louis and Thomas joined our Pre-School community.

This term we are trialling wrapper free lunch boxes.  Over the last 18 months we have been focusing on reducing waste, reusing products in different ways and recycling where possible.   The children will still have available the yellow (recycling) and green (worm food) bins on the tables at lunch time, they will simply bring home any rubbish or wrappers.  This trial is linking to our focus on Education for Sustainability and encouraging the children to think how their actions today can and will effect them in years to come.

Below is a link for some useful ideas for preparing litterless lunchbox to support this trial -

Linking with this has been our visits to the Life Education Classroom.  This year Harold is reinforcing what our bodies need to be healthy; " fresh air, sunshine, water, exercise and good food to eat" - these are the words from the song we learnt last week.  This week we are having an imaginary picnic with Harold, so listen out for all the fun we will have on Thursday.

Term 3 gymnastics and yoga is underway again.  We are lucky enough to have Lauren come and take us for Yoga this term, since Donna has moved to Australia.  Lauren is a wonderful replacement and already the children are learning some new poises.

Pre-School has an open door policy so please feel free to come and join in the fun anytime - everyone is welcome.