Mrs Simone Whalley — Feb 20, 2018

Pancakes Galore on Shrove Tuesday
Last Tuesday was Shrove Tuesday. Shrove Tuesday is the day before Lent begins. Many Christians use this day to eat the delicious and rich foods in their cupboards before fasting begins during Lent. Pancakes are a good way of using up these foods as they contain rich ingredients such as milk, eggs and sugar. 

All classes in the Junior School learnt about Shrove Tuesday and made pancakes to celebrate the day. The Year 3 children were lucky enough to be invited down to the Transitional Cathedral where they participated in fun pancake races. This included flipping the pancake while running!

J3 Children Enjoy Dumplings while celebrating Chinese New Year 
The J3 children were lucky to have some of our Chinese parents visit on Wednesday 14 February. In small groups the children learnt how to make dumplings in celebration of the upcoming Chinese New Year. The children then enjoyed eating them for morning tea. 

On Friday at our Junior Assembly the children shared their photos of making dumplings and treated us all to a dragon dance as a very exciting finale!

Uniform Reminder
Please remember to send your child to school in the correct uniform. They need to bring both their caps/berets as well as their sunhats to school during terms 1 and 4. There have been very hot, sunny days lately and some children have not had their sunhats at school which is most concerning. Please see the classroom teacher if you believe your child has lost their sunhat at school. We will try our very hardest to track it down. Hopefully it will be named! 

Blazers also need to worn to school each day, unless your child is in PE gear. If your child is wearing their school uniform in any public forum, blazers, caps/berets should be worn. Children need to look tidy at all times as they are representing our school.  Thanks for your support with this.

Wheels Day
Every Friday the children are allowed to bring their wheels to school and can ride them during the lunch break. Please ensure they also bring their cycle helmets as well! 

They need to park their wheels on the small grass area between the back of the toilet area and the neighbour's fence. Please ask if you are not sure.